Discover this beautiful ranch-style home nestled in a scenic setting that offers a great amount of charm and functionality. This home has three bedrooms, and two bathrooms. Main floor laundry as an added bonus. Downstairs there is plenty of space to add three more bedrooms with egress windows already installed, additional bathroom and a large living space waiting for you to put your own personal touch onto it. The three car garage offers additional storage space. You will find an added space off the two car garage for storage, woodworking shop or an extra hangout space. The newly renovated deck and patio is a great place to sit and relax in your spacious backyard.
500 Country Club Drive (MLS # 241219) is a property located in Spencer, IA. MLS# 241219 is a Residential Ranch which has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, is 6268 sqft and listed with a price $529,000 on 500 Country Club Drive is situated in the area of the Iowa Great Lakes located in Northwest IA. Find detailed information about 500 Country Club Drive, Spencer, IA 51301 including interior & exterior features, photos, as well as community and market stats for Spencer, IA. Contact RE/MAX Lakes Realty at to receive personalized Spencer, IA real estate service. He will provide you information and key facts based on years of knowledge and experience, about 500 Country Club Drive, Spencer, IA 51301. RE/MAX Lakes Realty will also provide you with a comparative market analysis (CMA) for similar homes for Sale in Spencer, IA. Explore 99 more homes for Sale in Spencer as well as 99 more properties for Sale in 51301 using MLS Search of off lake homes for East Lake, West Lake, and Big Spirit Lake..